
Ein Wunderwerk der Technik verführt seinen Schöpfer und lässt ihn an Gödels Fluch scheitern — dem Fluch intelligenter Systeme.

Die Geschichte spielt in der schillernden Welt von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI), Philosophie und organisiertem Verbrechen.

Dann tritt der Golden Bot hervor und zündet den Urknall der KI.

Genies und die Mächte in Ost und West ringen um die Künstliche Intelligenz (KI). Dabei gelingen Durchbrüche.

Der Golden Bot systematisiert das Wissen der Welt. Doch sein gewaltiger Intellekt bedroht und verfremdet die Welt.

Noch immer schreitet die KI so voran, wie es ein genialer Forscher voraussah.

Myriaden autonomer Intelligenzen bevölkern ein Netzwerk in Form einer nie dagewesenen Architektur.

Dies Ultranetz ist die Macht der neuen Zeit, die seltsame Wege geht. Darin erkennen Menschen die wahre Gestalt der KI und das ultimative Design der Technik.

In less than a decade, Bangladesh has achieved something extraordinary in the developing world: solar power for its off-grid rural population.

Bangladesh is now home to the world's largest rural market for solar home systems.

a This is a market like no other. It owes its success to unique public-private partnerships, outstanding leadership, rural entrepreneurs-and a little bit of luck.

Read the amazing story about the making of a solar market in a place it was least expected to thrive—told by the people who made it happen: THE MARKETMAKERS.


The author
Nancy Wimmer is an entrepreneur and advisor to the
World Council of Renewable Energy
She specializes in Microfinance and Rural Electrification.
Meet her at www.microSOLAR.com

Nancy Wimmer and M.Yunus Nobel Laureate          Nancy Wimmer and Fouzul K. Khan Founder Director IDCOL

Witness the economic and social innovations of Grameen Shakti, sister company of the Nobel Prize winning Grameen Bank.

Shakti masters the art of rural business, letting eight million people benefit from light, electricity,and additional income. This is a market like no other.

Shakti is the vanguard model for tackling the enormous market of a billion villagers living far from the electric grid in developing countries.
Read about Shakti's inner mechanics, services, strategies and values, and understand its success.
Deutsche Ausgabe  German language edition

Concepts are prime tools to describe a technical system, an organization and the products and processes of an industrial domain. Models and designs use a myriad of concepts – some of them quite complex.

How to design concepts to describe artifacts like a clinic or a communications network? How to conceive a complex artifact—its many aspects, characteristics, structures and functions?

And if many concepts must fit together in one model like the pieces of a puzzle: How to design a toolkit of concepts?
This story tells the quest for concepts. —by Klaus and Nancy Wimmer— new

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